One of New England's Best Bead Shops

603-352-7192 Fax 603-352-5119

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Met Innmon Guest Teacher June 24th to 26th 2011

Met has enjoyed and craved making handwork since childhood. In 2000, Met discovered beading and was instantly hooked. She sees beads as a medium offering enormous potential for taking her ideas and imagination to a physical piece of art. The colors, shapes and textures of beads are enticing to her spirit. The process of making an idea become reality or simply experimenting and listening to the beads is very satisfying as well as challenging.

Met left a long time career in Software Development to pursue her creative ideas and aspirations. Met now works from her home studio in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies. She enjoys traveling around the U.S. teaching her bead designs. The transition to working full time with beads and instructing has been rewarding and fun. She loves teaching, working with students and sharing the common bond and passion for beads.

For further details consult the following link