One of New England's Best Bead Shops

603-352-7192 Fax 603-352-5119

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nancy Cain coming to New England Beads August 26, 27 & 28

Nancy Cain has this to say about beads and her bead artistry: 
The endless array of beads and the infinite way of combining them are what most excite me. Beads have an incredible history from (but not limited to) the sacred, the healing, the price to 
insure an afterlife, as currency, not to mention simple to elaborate adornment. Beads have been used by nearly every culture since the advent of modern man and are an inherent part of 
our heritage.

The process of working with something as simple and basic as tiny glass beads has for me, evolved from simple hobby craft to making works of art. Before I became aware of beads, I worked 
for 13 years as a graphic artist. In 1993, I left the graphics industry to raise my two children. While at home, my interest in beads grew and I started to teach locally in 1992.
I am currently working full-time with the beads in my home studio and travel the country on the national circuit teaching technically detailed 3-D sculptures and jewelry. In October of this year, I will move into the international arena with a booking at the KOBE Bead Art Show in Kobe, Japan. I love developing new pieces for teaching and for my own artistic expression.